Sandy Richard

Post Event Report        

Love Maine Trails Month Runs from saturday, June 1 though Sunday, June 30, 2024

Thank you for participating in Love Maine Trails Month and helping us share the magnitude of people and time it takes to maintain our trails and give them the love they deserve. We look forward to sharing your exciting projects with people around the state.

Submission deadline for post-event reports is Friday, August 2, at 5pm.

Reports received after the awards deadline are still welcomed. Please submit your reports by Tuesday, September 5th. The information you provide is valuable in telling the story of why trail stewardship is important. Help us share what went into trails around the state during Love Maine Trails Month. Even if you missed the awards deadline, we would appreciate your reports and photos ASAP! Thank you! 

Reports received by 5pm on 8/2/24 will be put into the running to win one of five $1,000 LMTM awards.

If you need technical help with this form, please contact Hope at Community Geographics/Maine Trail Finder.

If you have questions or any other thoughts that you cannot capture in this form, please contact Silvia, Maine Trails Coalition Project Coordinator.


Post Event Report

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Your Event

Please list the site and date of your LMTM event. If you hosted multiple work days at one site, please list all the dates. If you hosted multiple days at different sites, to keep things simple, simply submit only 1 Post-Event Form that represents all project dates.


Total number of volunteers (including unpaid interns) that participated in work day(s) at any one site.

Total hours worked by volunteers at site.

Paid Staff & Interns

paid staff, interns, or contractors at work day(s), if none, input “0”.

Total number of hours for paid staff, interns,or contractors at work day(s), if none, input “0”.

Accomplishments & Work Completed

What category of maintenance was accomplished?

How did you improve the trail? (You may choose more than 1.)

If you selected 'Other', what other trail work did you accomplish?

Please list the number of linear feet or miles (please specify which) of existing trail improved, if applicable.

Please list the number of linear feet or miles (please specify which) of new trail built, if applicable.

Did you accomplish what you set out to do?

If you selected 'Other' above, what else did or do you need to complete your project?

Event Summary

In 2 or 3 sentences, please summarize how the day went overall. This write-up may be shared as part of our communications around LMTM.

What type or types of people and users will benefit from the work you did? Examples might include people with mobility challenges, mountain bikers, hikers, people portaging boats, etc.

Our goal is to engage more Maine people in the care and enjoyment of trails & the outdoors. Please tell us how you were able to partner with or include new groups in your LMTM work day.

Please tell us why trails and trail stewardship are important to your organization.

Additional Feedback

Please share your ideas and feedback about how Love Maine Trails Month went, and suggestions on how we can improve and build upon it for next year. Did you feel supported and were you able to host the kind of day you had hoped? What other resources (eg: tools, training, funding, volunteers) or help would have made your event better? Please tell us what would make this work possible and we will try to address these needs now and in the future


  • The form requires at least one photo in order to complete your submission
  • Photos will appear as previews, and upload when, but not until, you submit your form

Once submitted, MTC reserves the right to utilize submissions on our website, press, and social media outlets. MTC reserves the right to share photos with event partners for future promotions.  Please have permission to share photos that have people in them, especially youth.  

Suggested file naming format:
Eg: MATC_LMTM_PrivyRebuild-c-FirstLastNameofPhotographer.jpg

Submission photo ideas: before and after, volunteers in action, or other photos from the day that would help MTC share your work or understand why your project was important.  

Please describe the photo(s).

Thank you!

(Please note - when you successfully submit your form, the page will simply go back up to the top, that doesn't mean it wasn't submitted. You will receive a confirmation email when you form has been successfully submitted.)

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