Berry Picker's Trail to Saddleback or the Horn (via Appalachian Trail)

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The Berry Picker’s Trail is a side trail between the Fly Rod Crosby multi-use trail and the Appalachian National Scenic Trail that follows, in part, a route used by local residents for more than 150 years to harvest mountain blueberries and cranberries on Saddleback Mountain.
Trail Activity
4.60 miles, Network
Madrid Twp, Sandy River Plt
Dirt/Forest Floor, Gravel/Crushed Stone, Rock/Ledge


From the ATV gate, proceed 0.9 miles up the ATV trail and turn left onto the Fly Rod Crosby multi-use trail at a group of signs on two wooden posts. At 1.4 miles you will reach the Berry Picker's trailhead proper, which is on the right side just before a bridge over Winship Stream. From the trailhead at Winship Stream, the route ascends through mixed hardwood and softwood forest along the stream, which has beautiful cascades. The trail becomes steeper, turns away from the stream and at approximately 1.9 miles turns up the ridge toward Saddleback to the left (northwest). On the right, the former route of the historic Berry Picker's Trail can be seen going down the slope.

The trail transitions to open ledges dominated by dwarf spruce, alpine blueberry, and mountain cranberry. At 2.1 miles the trail reaches Boundary Ledge, which is marked with yellow blazes to denote the boundary line between the landowners. At 2.6 miles the trail reaches The Erratic (a large boulder), and then the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) at the top of the ridge at 3 miles. From there, it is 0.7 miles southbound on the A.T. to the summit of Saddleback and 0.9 miles northbound on the A.T. to the summit of The Horn.

The Berry Picker's Trail was also the route originally planned for the Appalachian Trail in 1933. The trail crosses the Orbeton Stream Conservation Easement, land owned by Appalachian Trail Conservancy and land owned by the Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust before finally entering the A.T. corridor owned by the National Park Service. Except for occasional double blazes which indicate sharp or unexpected turns, the trail is marked by single, rectangular blue blazes and rock cairns. Much of the route follows open ledges with outstanding views.

Other Information

Do not underestimate the difficulty of hiking the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) in Maine. Be sure to carry equipment and supplies necessary for this undertaking and be prepared for challenging weather conditions. Please educate yourself before hiking, so that you can have the knowledge and skills necessary for an enjoyable and safe hike. Fires are only allowed in the provided fireplace ring at established campsites; it is illegal in Maine to build a fire elsewhere.

The Appalachian National Scenic Trail runs from Maine to Georgia along the spine of the Appalachian Mountains. It is managed cooperatively by the National Park Service, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, and 31 trail-maintaining clubs along with other federal and state land managers whose land the trail crosses. Over 3 million people visit the A.T. every year. Since its inception in the 1920s, thousands of volunteers have worked tirelessly to maintain, manage, and protect the Appalachian Trail. 

In Maine, the all-volunteer Maine Appalachian Trail Club (MATC) maintains and protects the 267-mile section of the Appalachian Trail extending from Katahdin in Baxter State Park to Grafton Notch at ME-26. In addition, MATC maintains over 60 miles of side trails as well as a system of regularly-spaced shelters and campsites to preserve access to wild, backcountry hiking in Maine. MATC publishes The Official Appalachian Trail Guide to Maine, which includes seven maps, please visit their website for information on how to purchase the guide or to learn more about becoming a member of MATC.

Natural Heritage HikesNatural Heritage Hikes is a project of the Maine Natural Areas Program in partnership with Maine Trail Finder. View the "Saddleback Mountain, The Horn - Berry Picker's Trail" guide online here

Trail Manager

Visit Maine Appalachian Trail Club online for more information or contact:

Maine Appalachian Trail Club (MATC)
PO Box 7564
Portland, ME 04112
View website

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Trail Tips

Plan Ahead and Prepare
Tell someone your plan and when you’ll return, just in case.

Trailhead Information

Please note that a bridge over Potato Hill Road washed out in the winter storms and this access is by ATV only at this time (there's a small, temporary bridge that accommodates only outdoor recreation vehicles). We are hoping the new bridge will be installed later this summer, please check back for updates.

To reach the trailhead, turn off ME-4 in Phillips to ME-142 heading north.  After 2.5 miles, take a left onto East Madrid Road (note - the street sign is often missing but there is a large sign that says Pike Industries where you should turn).  Proceed on East Madrid Road which will become a gravel road and will pass over Perham Stream in the hamlet of East Madrid.  After 5.3 miles, turn left onto Potato Hill Road. This road is also used by ATVs so be sure to look out for traffic.  After 1 mile, the road reaches a wide intersection with the Railroad Road - stay to the left and proceed on the main road.  At the next fork after 0.8 miles, stay to the left.  Continue for 1.8 miles and stay left.  Proceed for 0.7 miles, over a wet low-lying section of road, and park at the junction with the ATV trail. 

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