This yellow-blazed trail starts at the inner (usually closed) gate and follows the access road/snowmobile trail a short distance to a bridge over the only major stream. Just after crossing the bridge, the loop, going counter-clockwise, heads right at a trail sign, onto the trail to the shore of the pond. After reaching the pond, the trail generally follows the shore with some detours around the wettest areas, until reconnecting to the snowmibile trail/access road again. The trail returns to the parking area via a left at this junction and following the access road (or by backtracking along the shore).
About half way along the shore, there is a short connector trail to the access road. After hiking up the connector trail turn left at the access road for a shorter, approximately 1.5-mile, hike.
The kiosk at the trailhead includes a map, which can also be accessed by smart phone with the posted QR code.
This is a rough trail including rocky, wet areas, and topographic variation. Hiking boots or sturdy walking shoes are recommended.
Snowmobiles are allowed on the access road only, and not on the trail along the shore of the lake.
The property is owned by the Greater Augusta Utility District (GAUD), and the pond is a back-up water supply for the city of Augustaand water quality protection is paramount. Access is provided through a trail agreement between GAUD and the Town of Readfield. The property is also a wildlife refuge. Hunting, fishing, boating, and swimming are not allowed.
Please respect the following rules:
Thank-you and we hope you enjoy the trail!
Be considerate in our shared outdoor spaces by leaving no trace and respecting the tranquility and serenity of natural places. Be conservation-minded near streams, lakes, forests, grasslands and wildlife. Value accessible private property and public lands as a vital heritage to be preserved and a privilege that can be lost, and encourage others to appreciate their importance to our quality of life.
For additional information, visit the Town of Readfield Trails Committee online, or contact
Town of ReadfieldParking for this trail is accessed through a gate on the south side of ME-17 in Readfield, 125 yards east of the junction of ME-17 and ME-135. A kiosk is visible from ME-17. Proceed through the outer gate, which stays unlocked. Park in the grass off the access road between the outer and inner gates.
Please note: The Google map shows ME-17 as ME-135 on the left side. However, ME-135 goes north from the junction just west of the parking lot.
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