The Davis Stream trail is a just over half mile self-guided interpretive loop trail. Starting at the trailhead along the road, the trail leads back, skirting the cemetery, until it reaches the beginning of the interpretive loop. Davis Stream is what is known as a meandering stream; the flat landscape means that rather then follow a definitive course, the stream loops back and forth and changes course over time. This is evidenced by trees along the stream that are falling over where the bank has moved out from under them. Several spots along the stream, including one where the stream takes a 90 degree turn, offer excellent wildlife watching. A ridge along the loop provides a noticeable difference in wildlife habitat than the floodplains visible below.
Visit the Midcoast Conservancy website for more information or contact:
Midcoast ConservancyFrom US Route 1 in Nobleboro, take East Pond Road for 6.9 Miles to ME Route 32. Turn left and follow ME Route 32 for 0.7 Miles. Turn right onto ME Route 126 (Washington Road), and follow it for 0.3 miles. Parking is at the Willow Grange on the right. Walk north along the road past the cemetery. The trailhead is located just past the cemetery on the right. Please do not walk through the cemetery.
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