The ‘A’ Trail was designed as a mountain biking trail, with multi-use opportunities for hiking and snowshoeing. Its surface is natural, with frequent rocks and roots. As a mountain biking trail, it is known for being physically challenging and gaining notable elevation and for its tough, natural, and irregular surface.
The trail starts at the northeast corner of the Round Top parking area and crosses the Round Top Trail at 0.3 miles. It continues west and then turns south, descending to intersect an old logging road at 1.3 miles. The trail follows the logging road to the right (northwest), crosses a stream and gradually narrows to single-track as it climbs. At 2.1 miles the trail turns left (south) on another grown-in logging road. (For hikers, a steeper, rockier option continues straight uphill, rejoining the bike trail in 0.2 miles.) The trail descends gradually until meeting another logging road at 2.4 miles, where it turns sharply to the right (north). From here it follows the logging road, climbing to rejoin the hiking trail and then ascending in a series of short switchbacks at 2.8 miles. The trail turns southwest and steadily gains elevation until reaching an open lookout area with views of lower Long Pond at 3.3 miles. From the lookout, the trail meanders along the ridgeline, ending at the summit of McGaffey Mountain (1,288') then looping back to meet back up with the logging road.
View BPL's map and guide for the Kennebec Highlands Public Land.
The Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands and 7 Lakes Alliance collaboratively manage non-motorized trails within the Kennebec Highlands Public Land and work with the Central Maine Chapter of the New England Mountain Bike Association – which is the primary designer and maintainer of the trail. For more information, contact:
Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, Western Public Lands OfficeThe trailhead is off Watson Pond Road, which leaves from the west side of ME-27 about a mile north of the intersection of ME-27 and ME-225 in Rome. From ME-27, drive south on Watson Pond Road 4 miles to the parking area located on Watson Pond Road. This parking lot also serves as parking for the Round Top Trail. The trailhead is at the north end of the parking lot, marked with a small mountain biking sign, and with an 8-foot bridge at the start of the trail.
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