The Rines Forest is part of a 900 acre contiguous block of unfragmented forest habitat. The Rines Forest is a mixture of 60-year-old red pine plantations, old pasture fields grown up to mixed hardwood-softwood stands, hemlock stands, and floodplain forests. The paths throughout the woods are well-marked with the colored markers matching the printed maps. The terrain is very gradual with very little change in elevation. The northwest section of the property can be very wet and should be accessed only in the winter. This area is clearly marked on the maps.
The property has large sections of relatively flat sandy soils and terrain where the red pines were planted and a smaller area to the south that is characterized by steep rolling hills interspersed with beautiful cascading streams. The largest stream is Mill Stream which eventually flows into the Presumpscot River and then to Casco Bay.
The Rines Forest contains a diversity of plant and animal life. Large hemlock and pine trees, as well as red oak, birch, poplar and maple trees abound. It is the perfect canopy for the forest’s diverse wildlife, which includes white tail deer, coyote, fox, wild turkey, ruffed grouse, snowshoe hare, fisher, porcupine, hawks, owls, and numerous other wild birds. Signs of black bear and moose have also been seen.
The northern and northwestern perimeters of the property are dominated by forested wetlands, with shallow standing water much of the year with primary use being in winter. These areas are marked on the maps. Use the Raccoon trail to bypass this section. Caution: Hunting is allowed in season.
Visit the Town of Cumberland online for more information or contact:
Town of CumberlandAccess to the Rines Forest is off of Range Road in Cumberland Center. Parking and the trailhead are 1.7 miles from ME Routes 26/100 on the left or 1.4 miles from ME Route 9 via a short connection on Winn Road (from ME Route 9 take Winn Road 0.3 miles and turn right onto Range Road). Trailhead and parking are on the right if coming from ME Route 9. There is room to park several cars along the road next to the entrance. There is a kiosk at the start with trail information. a large map and paper maps.
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