Saco Heath

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This one-mile boardwalk offers access to a unique raised coalesced bog. This is the southernmost example of this bog type and the the only place where Atlantic white cedar grows on a northern raised bog.
Trail Activity
Accessible Adventure Snowshoeing Walking
2.10 miles, Round Trip
Dirt/Forest Floor, Boardwalk/Bog Bridging
Not Permitted


The 1,223-acre Saco Heath Preserve has a 3-foot wide boardwalk trail through a unique raised coalesced bog, which is the southernmost example of its type. The natural surface trail from the parking lot through the forest includes small rocks and roots and there is a smooth onramp transition to the boardwalk. The relatively flat (0-2% slope) boardwalk includes regular benches and pullouts. The raised coalesced bog of Saco Heath formed when adjacent ponds filled with decaying plant matter called peat. With each year’s plant growth adding to the peat accumulation, the two peatlands eventually grew together above the water table to form this unique peatland type.

The narrow loop trail through the forest at the end of the boardwalk has little slope but the trail surface is thickly covered with roots and rocks.

The preserve hosts a unique assemblage of plants that are adapted to thrive in its nutrient-poor soils. These include Labrador tea, leather-leaf, rhodora, cottongrass, sheep laurel and scattered pitch pine, Atlantic white cedar, black spruce, and tamarack. These plants grow on a mat of sphagnum moss. The woodland areas of the preserve include red maple, white pine, hemlock and black gum trees. This is the only place where Atlantic white cedar grows on a northern raised bog.

The Atlantic white cedar at Saco Heath is one of the largest stands in Maine and supports one of only two populations of Hessel’s Hairstreak butterfly in Maine. The caterpillars of this species feed exclusively on Atlantic white cedar. The Heath is also home to deer, moose, snowshoe hare and a variety of other wildlife. The acidity of the heath keeps mosquito numbers low by making the abundant standing water inhospitable to mosquito larvae.

Other Information

Please adhere to the following policies while using the preserve:

  • Day use only
  • Foot traffic only
  • Please stay on the trail and boardwalk to protect this fragile ecosystem
  • No collecting of plants or animals
  • No pets
  • Carry out all litter
  • No fires, smoking, or camping

Trail Manager

Visit The Nature Conservancy online for more information or contact:

The Nature Conservancy, Southern Maine Field Office
572 Wire Road
Wells, ME 04090
Phone: (207) 251-2256
View website

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Trail Tips

Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
Walk single file in the middle of the trail. Wear the right shoes and enjoy the mud – you're in the great outdoors!

Trailhead Information

Coming from the interstate, take Exit 36 off I-95/Maine Turnpike to I-195. Take Exit 1 on I-195(the first exit after the tollbooth) and turn left onto Industrial Park Road. Follow to ME Route 112 and turn right onto ME Route 112 (Buxton Road). Continue on ME Route 112 for about two miles, and look for the parking lot for the Saco Heath Preserve on the right.

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