The New England Wild Flower Society has a 40-acre tract along the Kennebec River notable for its large stand of extremely rare (in Maine) Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense), and for a variety of other lime-loving plants. Woodland wild flowers include bloodroot, trout lily, and purple trillium.
The following activities are prohibited on all New England Wild Flower Society sanctuaries:
Visit New England Wild Flower Society online for more information or contact:
Take I-95 north to exit 44; north on I-295 back to I-95; north on I-95 to exit 113 (Rte 3 Augusta/Belfast). Go east on Rt. 3 for 1.7 miles. At the intersection of 201/102 turn left heading north on US-201. Travel for approximately 4.1 miles and turn left onto Cushnoc Road. The sanctuary is 1.5 miles down Cushnoc Road on the left. The sanctuary entrance sign is on the west side of the road. Park on the shoulder of road.
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