Bradbury-Pinelands Corridor

The Bradbury-Pineland Corridor consists of a network of both polished and rough trails that connect to Bradbury Mountain State Park, and eventually, via additional trails, to Pinelands Public Land.
Trail Activity
Hiking Mountain-biking Snowshoeing Cross-country-skiing
3.89 miles, Network
Dirt/Forest Floor


The multi-use Bradbury-Pineland Corridor Trail begins at the junction with the Boundary Trail in the northwest corner of Bradbury Mountain State Park. From here, the trail heads west past Thoits Branch, and then a spur trail of under 0.2 miles heads up to the summit of Tryon Mountain. At the summit there are old quarries and opportunities to explore for minerals. As the trail winds through deep woods old stone walls may be spotted.

A quarter mile from the Tyron Mountain spur, and a mile from the boundary of Bradbury Mountain State Park, the trail reaches a parking area and trailhead at Lawrence Road. Across the road, the trail continues west past Tryon Fields, which are maintained for wildlife, scenery, and winter sledding. Past the fields, the trail crosses Chandler Brook, which is stocked with brook trout. Large bridges provide safe crossings of both Thoits Branch and Chandler Brook.

The trail comes to a junction at the powerline corridor, with a trail that connect to Pinelands Public Land. Utilizing this powerline corridor trail as well, these trails offer hikers a route from Bradbury Mountain State Park to Pinelands Public Lands.

The Corridor Trail connects to two hiking trails. The Elmwood Trail travels 1.4 miles south to Elmwood Road. The Sweetster Spur travels 0.2 miles north to Sweetster Road. The paths are narrow and includes rocks and roots and wet areas — they are not accessible for trail users with mobility challenges. Please note these trails cross private land, and respect all trail postings. Bikes are not allowed on these paths; horses, runners, hikers — and dogs under strict control — are welcome. 


Other Information


  • Because of multiple ownerships, please always refer to specific ownership sites (State Park, eg) as primary sources of rules.
  • The state-managed “Corridor” trails are open for hiking, skiing, snowshoeing and bicycles and equestrian uses. Bicycles are not allowed on RRCT's Elmwood Trail and Sweetster Spur.
  • Dogs are welcome on leash. Please remove dog waste, and horse waste as well. Pet waste is a significant factor in the water quality of fishing brooks like Chandler Brook. 
  • Please comply with any and all posted rules or signs along the trail, especially respecting private property postings. Please stay on marked trails, and respect the many private landowners who both host marked trails and ask that their private trails, fields, and forests be respected.

Trail Manager

For additional information, visit the Maine Bureau of Public Lands website, or contact:

Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, Bradbury Mountain State Park

Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, Bradbury Mountain State Park
528 Hallowell Rd.
Pownal, ME 04069
Phone: (207) 688-4712

Royal River Conservation Trust

Royal River Conservation Trust
PO Box 90
52 North Road
Yarmouth ME 04096
Phone: (207) 847-9399
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Trail Tips

Minimize Campfire Impacts
Keep campfires small and contained to established fire rings in permitted sites only.
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Trailhead Information

From Freeport, take ME-125 S/ME-136 S from Mallet Drive to Durham Road, then bear right onto Pownal Road. Continue on Pownal Road, which becomes Elmwood Road, for 5.5 miles, then turn right onto Lawrence Road. Go 0.9 miles to a parking area on the left. The trail leading to Tyron Fields, Chandler Brook, and the powerline corridor depart from the parking lot. The trail to Tyron Mt and Bradbury State Park begins on the other side of Lawrence Road.

These trails may also be reached via Bradbury Mountain State Park.

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