The Cross Town Trail connects Fort Williams Park at its northern terminus to Kettle Cove and Crescent Beach State Parks at its southern terminus, and connects to numerous other trail networks along its length. The trails are predominantly wooded with both moderate and steep slopes, with at least one bridge crossing a wetland area.
In the very middle of the trail, there is a quarter-mile stretch that travels along ME-77 just above where it passes through the Cape Elizabeth Middle School campus. At the southern terminus, the trail follows Kettle Cove Road for a half-mile then crosses ME-77. Please use caution along roadways.
For additional information, visit the Cape Elizabeth Land Trust website, or contact:
From the intersection of ME-77 and Shore Road in Cape Elizabeth, follow Shore Road 2.3 miles to the main entrance of Fort Williams Park. From South Portland, follow Cottage Road which leaves from Broadway and becomes Shore Road at the Cape Elizabeth town line. Continue 0.9 miles to the entrance of Fort Williams. In Fort Williams Park, continue driving into the park, bearing right up the hill, and look for parking on the right.
From ME-77 (Bowery Beach Road) in Cape Elizabeth, take Kettle Cove Road on the south side of ME-77 and go 0.5 miles to the parking area for Kettle Cove State Park,.
There are multiple additional entrances to the Cross Town Trail including off Wells Road, Cross Hill Road, Apple Tree Lane, and at the end of Hawthorne Road.
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