The Town Forest Trail is composed of a perimeter loop trail bisected by a newly constructed trail which allows one to return to the trailhead without leaving the forest. The trail system has been newly widened and graded with gravel. Some sections may still be damp at times, especially in the spring. The trail is mostly flat but there are sections which require navigating tree roots.
There is one section of the trail that is not clearly marked. Roughly a mile into the trail, the trail opens up into a section with tall reeds. Follow the path to the left. You will come out at the bottom of a hill near the town garage. Follow the road up the hill past the old school and turn right into the parking lot. A dirt drive at the back of the lot leads you to the ball fields. The trail picks up at the far end of the ball fields and returns to the Town Hall.
The Town Forest was planted in the 1930s. The trail meanders through distinct forest stands, as well as swamp and open field. Plantations of red pine, an old field that is now a white pine plantation, a mixed spruce and pine plantation, and mixed hardwood and softwood stands can be seen along the trail. A series of 16 trail markers along the forest loop identify natural features of interest including habitat zones, flora, and remnants of past land uses
There is no hunting in the Town Forest, but hunting is allowed on adjacent property. Please wear orange and use caution during hunting season.
For more information visit Town of Cumberland or contact:
Town of CumberlandThe Town Forest Trail is located behind the Cumberland Town Hall and the old Drowne Road School. The Cumberland Town Hall is on Tuttle Road, 0.9 miles from ME-9 and 2.4 miles from Middle Road. There is a kiosk marking the beginning of the trail with plenty of free parking. The kiosk features a large map of the trail.
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