This 9-mile paddling trail begins at the Grindstone Falls Rest Area on the East Branch of the Penobscot River and heads downriver through aggressive and then gradually calming waters to the confluence at the head of the Penobscot River in Medway.
From the rest area on ME-11, the East Branch of the Penobscot descends over Grindstone Falls for 0.75 miles. The falls are long and challenging and it is recommended that paddlers of the falls have strong whitewater experience. For those seeking to avoid Grindstone Falls, there is a second parking area less than a mile south on ME-11 which provides hand-carry access to the river. For those paddlers who have paddled to this point from Hay Brook or Whetstone Falls upstream on the East Branch, there is a hiking trail connecting the two launching points.
Below Grindstone Falls, the river passes over Ledge Falls, a short but tricky drop, and then widens and slows. As the river approaches Medway, expect to see many other boaters on the water who have traveled upstream from the Medway Public Boat Launch. The takeout is on the right (west) side of the river a short ways before the large ME-157 bridge.
Changes in water level will significantly alter the condition of this paddling trail. Some portions may be unrunnable in low water conditions. Whitewater experience recommended.
For more information please contact Katahdin Area Trails or the Town of Medway:
To Grindstone Falls put-in: The Grindstone Falls hand-carry boat launch is located at the Grindstone Falls Rest Area on ME-11, 9 miles north of Medway and 16 miles south of Sherman.
To Medway Public Boat Launch: From Exit 244 on I-95 travel west on ME-157 for 1.5 miles. Take the first right hand turn after crossing the bridge over the East Branch of the Penobscot. Travel a short distance down the paved access road to a large parking lot on the right. Visible from ME-157.
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