Milbridge Commons is a place of natural splendor and yet is right in downtown Milbridge. A winding walking path circles the park, with sweeping views of Narraguagus Bay. The park features a community garden, from which the public is invited to pick free vegetables. There is additionally a children's garden, a pollinator garden, a little free library, and a play structure for children.
The 975-foot pathway circling the park is 6 feet wide, with a deep gravel base topped with stone dust that makes it easier on the joints than pavement. There is a slight grade uphill in both directions heading from the kiosk, the rest of the path is mostly level. It is stroller and wheelchair friendly allowing everyone access to this fabulous space.
In 2013, Women for Healthy Rural Living (WHRL) was inspired to create “Incredible Edible Milbridge,” a series of public vegetable gardens and education initiatives designed to create a community that is stronger, healthier, and more food independent.
When the Incredible Edible Milbridge Project began to flourish, WHRL set its eyes on a 4.6-acre parcel of riverfront property along Main Street and approached Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) about conserving this property. MCHT embraced the idea, and Milbridge Commons is now an innovative community park and garden with handicap-accessible walking trails. The Commons encourages outdoor exercise, provides visitors opportunities to commune with nature, and includes unique features designed to stimulate the imagination of children.
For additional information, visit the Women for Healthy Rural Living website, or contact:
Women for Healthy Rural LivingThe preserve is located on US-1, less than 0.25 miles south of the center of Milbridge, across from the town’s Historical Society. Coming from the north, go 0.4 miles on US-1 from its junction with US-1A, and the park will be on the left. Coming from the south, go 2.3 miles on US-1 from its junction with Pigeon Hill Road (on the right), and the park will be on the right shortly past a bridge by Wyman Road.
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