Park at the head of the railroad bridge or in the rear of the shopping center lot. After crossing the bridge, look for an informational kiosk to the right. It contains a trail map, including a brochure describing the history of this unique property.
A mile long scenic trail, blazed yellow, traverses the perimeter of the property. It runs through mixed forest, and along the edge of four different fields. It also borders all three rivers. Look for ducks, herons, and even eagles or ospreys here. The farm road trail and orchard trail allow for shorter loops as well. All trails are easily walked or biked, although they are not handicapped accessible.
The East Branch Trail starts at the edge of the West Branch, crosses that river, then proceeds up the East Branch to Falmouth High School. Spot a car at either end for an even longer hike (see East Branch Trail description).
The habitat diversity found on this property make it a rich area for wildlife. The birding is especially good here, particularly during migration. Blue winged warblers and black billed cuckoos are two of the unusual species that nest on River Point. It is also home to the endangered New England cottontail rabbit.
Poison ivy grows profusely along the Presumpscot River, so use care walking on this part of the trail.
Pets are allowed in the conservation area only at designated times. Please see the trailhead signage to determine if the trails are open or closed for pets. Generally, the trails are closed to pets in the spring while birds are nesting on the ground.
Visit the Town of Falmouth online for more information or contact:
Town of FalmouthRiver Point abuts the Falmouth Crossing Shopping Center on ME Routes 26/100 in Falmouth, just opposite Maine Turnpike/I-95 Exit 53. Facing Hannaford's the trail network starts at the end of a wooden railroad overpass to the right where a kiosk contains a map of the property.
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