Robbins Hill - Wes Baker Trails

Gentle network of ADA-accessible trails surrounded by a mown loop-trail through hilltop forests and fields with breathtaking views of Maine's High Peaks.
Trail Activity
Accessible Adventure Snowshoeing Walking
1.40 miles, Network
Dirt/Forest Floor, Gravel/Crushed Stone, Grass


Robbins Hill Scenic Area marks the southernmost end of the Old Canada Road National Scenic Byway and offers fantastic views westward across the upper Kennebec River Valley and the High Peaks Region. Walking trails wind through open meadow on the broad crest of the hill and dip down into the forested section of the property. At the top of the hill, two picnic shelters provide a lunch site with a view and several picnic tables and benches scattered through the upper field give visitors room to find their own space.

Upper Field and Lower Field Loops: Two adjoining ADA-accessible loops form a figure eight at the center of the property. These trails are surfaced with gravel and stone dust and provide even, stable, terrain to explore. The trails were designed as universally accessible. However, depending on the time of year, they may be a bit soft for some mobility devices. Access to these trails is across grass. Benches and picnic tables have been placed at intervals along the trails, providing excellent places to rest and take in the views of Sugarloaf, Abraham, and the Bigelow Mountains to the west. Be sure to check out the interpretive panel at the southern end of the Lower Field Loop and keep your eyes out for the residents of this field habitat: wildflowers, blueberries, pollinators and soaring hawks.

Sign Path: This is a short ADA-accessible path with a gravel surface that leaves from the upper parking lot and traverses level ground towards the road where it ends at the roadside sign marking the start of the Old Canada Road National Scenic Byway. The Sign Path can be linked with the Edge Trail to continue to the lower parking lot and then around the perimeter of the scenic area.

Edge Trail: This is a 0.4 mile trail over grassy mown ground. The Edge Trail connects the Sign Path, lower parking lot, Woods Trail, and Lower Field Loop. Skirting the perimeter of the scenic area, the Edge Trail passes through both field habitat and 'edge' habitat along the border of the woods. Look for songbirds, grasshoppers and the old stone wall along this trail.

Woods Trail: The Woods Trail travels for 0.3 miles through the woods on the western downhill edge of Robbins Hill Scenic Area. This trail connects the Upper Field Loop, Lower Field Loop, and the Edge Trail. The trail is wide and well maintained, but walkers should use caution and watch for roots, pine needles, and slippery dead leaves. As its name suggests, the Woods Trail is surrounded by verdant woodland habitat, home to many tree species and shade-loving ferns and trilliums. With luck, an owl may also be seen.

Trail Manager

Robbins Hill Scenic Area is owned by the Maine Department of Transportation and managed jointly by the Old Canada Road Scenic Byway and the Town of Solon. For inquiries about hosting events at Robbins Hill, please contact the Town of Solon. For other information, please contact:

Old Canada Road Scenic Byway

Old Canada Road Scenic Byway
356 Main Street
Bingham, ME
View website
Town of Solon
PO Box 214
121 South Main Street
Solon, Maine 04979
Phone: 207-643-2812
Fax: 207-643-2864
View website

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Trail Tips

Leave What You Find
Avoid the introduction or transport of non-native species. Use local firewood from within 50 miles and clean, drain, and dry water equipment when moving between water bodies.
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Trailhead Information

From Skowhegan: Travel north on US-201 for 10.3 miles. The access drive for Robbins Hill Scenic Area is on the left, 0.5 miles past the junction with ME-43.

From Bingham: Travel south on US-201 for 12.2 miles. The access drive for Robbins Hill Scenic Area is on the right near the crest of the hill.

There are two parking lots at Robbins Hill Scenic Area, the first is immediately on the left after the turn onto the access drive. The second is located at the end of the access drive at the top of the hill and is next to the picnic area and bathroom.

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June 20, 2023
Be wary of dog feces in lawn area near parking lot. We watched a couple stop by and their dog use the small viewing area though there is an abundance of slash area . We looked down at our feet and sure enough we had stepped in a previous facilities break. Apparently its been listed someplace as a pit stop .
There are no waste recepitcles common to southern maine beaches and hiking areas. The long grass near that panoramic display boards makes visualizing what is under foot tough. Other than that a very nice view.
July 16, 2019
This has the most beautiful sunsets in the Skowhegan area!
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