A three-mile trail network meanders through old orchards, fields, and woods bordering the rocky shores of Great Cove and Pond Cove.
Three main hiking trails (Houghton’s Hill Trail, Mihill Trail, and Pond Cove Trail) and several smaller connector trails (Starr Trail, Blueberry Camp Trail, and Larry's Loop) allow visitors to create a variety of hikes. Trails are color coded and clearly marked.
Houghton’s Hill Trail (0.8 miles, easy, marked with red blazes): This trail provides a woods walk from the main trailhead to Pond Cove. A picnic table located halfway along the trail offers a place to rest or snack.
Mihill Trail (1 mile, moderate, marked with yellow blazes): The trail leaves Houghton’s Hill trail a little over a mile from the main parking area providing a longer route to Pond Cove. This trail ascends a small hill and skirts along the shore of Great Cove. Look for two turnoffs providing shortcuts back Houghton’s Hill (these cutoffs create Larry’s Loop)
Pond Cove Trail (0.8 mile, easy, marked with green blazes): Pond Cove trail leads through meadows and woods over largely flat terrain and offers scenic vistas over Pond Cove.
Blueberry Camp Trail (0.2 mile, moderate, marked with blue blazes): Trail ascends a small hill, providing an alternative route along the Houghton’s Hill Trail.
Starr Trail (0.3 mile, easy): This trail skirts a wetland and provides a connection from the beach area to the trail network. The park has five hiking trails (with the longest loop approximately 4 miles) allowing visitors to meander through fields and woodlands bordering Pond Cove and Great Cove.
View BPL's map and guide for Roque Bluffs State Park.
Roque Bluffs State Park provides visitors with a great diversity of coastal landscapes to enjoy in 274 acres on Schoppee Point. A beautiful, half-mile crescent of sand and pebbles along Englishman Bay is backed by the shallow waters of 60-acre Simpson Pond—allowing for bracing saltwater swims and much warmer fresh water soaks. Between the beach and the pond are several picnic areas and a children’s play area adjoining the parking area.
The diverse habitats at Roque Bluffs State Park support abundant wildlife, and bird watchers enjoy interesting sightings in all seasons. Bald eagles frequent the area year-round and many migrant species stopover during spring and fall. Birders occasionally spot less common waterfowl, such as Barrow's Goldeneye, Redhead and Gadwall ducks, and Hooded Mergansers. During summer months, pipers, plovers, and interesting species of gull (like ring-billed) frequent the beach.
The park is often wreathed in fog that forms when warm, moist air from the mainland meets masses of cold air over the surrounding waters. Pack extra layers of clothing, be prepared for low visibility, and carry a park map when hiking.
Visit Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands online for more information and a printable trail map or contact:
From North or South: Turn right off US Route 1 onto Roque Bluffs Road in Jonesboro. At the T-intersection in 5 miles, turn right and continue south on Roque Bluffs Road to Schoppee Point. Coming from the north, approximately one mile south of the Machias town center turn left on Roque Bluffs Road and continue 8 miles to village of Roque Bluffs. The main trailhead parking is located in Roque Bluffs village. The beach and all other park facilities are located 0.25 miles beyond the center of Roque Bluffs village.
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