The Scaborough River Wildlife Sanctuary is a town-owned sanctuary for the protection and encouragement of wildlife habitat and for the preservation of the local historical significance of the land. From the parking area, the property slopes down to the banks and flats of the Scarborough River. A three-quarter mile long trail loops around the property, passing through field and forest. A side trail leads down to the banks of Scarborough River where a date carved in a rock is said to have been put there by a local legend, Indian Jane. A cut-off trail allows for a shorter loop option of about a half mile.
Trails are comprised of mowed and wide forest paths with short sections of boardwalk. All the trails tend to be of an easy grade.
The Sanctuary will be open to the public from dawn to dusk year-round. All users to the sanctuary must carry out what they carry in.
Pets must me on a leash at all times.
Visit Town of Scarborough's Community Services online for more information or contact:
Town of ScarboroughFrom US Route 1 in Scarborough, turn east onto ME Route 9 (Pine Point Road). Continue for 1.8 miles and look for the driveway and sanctuary sign on the left. The trailhead leaves from kiosk off the gravel parking lot.
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