Spencer Pond

A short hike to Spencer Pond, southeast of Mooselookmeguntic Lake, has pretty views and is open to fly fishing in the summer for coldwater gamefish.
Trail Activity
1.10 miles, Round Trip
Township D
Dirt/Forest Floor


The trail (red blazed) is a gentle climb along an old woods road. After about a half mile, the trail joins a gravel road. Keep to the right and follow the blazes. Walk around the gate (do not open), continue a short way, then take a right down to the shore of the pond where the trail ends.
Due to recent logging activity, the first section of the trail is rough and muddy.

Other Information

This trail crosses privately owned land and is open to the public through the generosity of the landowner. Please respect trail and land to ensure that the trail can remain open for public use; stay on the established trail, carry out all trash, follow instructions on signage, and do not disturb plants or wildlife. Thank you for doing your part to keep this land available for public use.

Trail maintained by TRAC volunteers. 

Trail Manager

For more information contact:

T.R.A.C. (Trails for Rangeley Area Coalition)
Rangeley, Maine

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Trail Tips

Minimize Campfire Impacts
Use only small pieces of dead and down wood for campfires and let them burn down to ash. Please extinguish your campfire before leaving.
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Trailhead Information

From Oquossoc, follow Route 17 south for about 13 miles (about 2 miles south of Height of Land scenic overlook). The trailhead is on the left, where there is a small parking area.

Click on a parking icon to get custom directions
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June 16, 2020
Took some friends here to get out of the cabin on a cold day in January. Nice flat walk along an open road to a scenic spot on the pond. Lots of fresh moose tracks in the snow. The road is not plowed in the winter; wear snow boots or snow shoes.
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