Whiskeag Trail

A 5-mile biking and hiking trail following Whiskeag Creek that connects the Bath Area Family YMCA with KELT's Thorne Head Preserve. A wilderness experience right in the heart of the city! Visitors can join the trail in several spots via the city bus.
Trail Activity
Hiking Walking Snowshoeing Mountain-biking Cross-country-skiing
5.00 miles, One Way
Easy, Moderate
Dirt/Forest Floor, Gravel/Crushed Stone, Pavement


Whiskeag Trail explores pockets of lovely woodland while connecting desirable destinations such as the YMCA, McMann Athletic Complex, Bath Middle School, Oak Grove Cemetery, and the conserved land at Sewall Woods and Thorne Head Preserves.

Other Information

The trail takes its name from an Abenaki word meaning "a creek that runs nearly dry at low tides." Whiskeag Creek runs north from Lily Pond between High Street and State Road into the Kennebec River at Thorne Head. Here its fresh water mixes with the brackish water of the Kennebec Estuary. An estuary is a body of water where fresh and salt water mix. The water in the lower Kennebec is salty because the tide carries salt water from the ocean upstream, against the current of the river. Wetlands and the land around waterways perform critical environmental functions such as absorbing floodwater, reducing erosion, filtering pollutants, and recharging drinking water. 

Wetlands also provide habitat for many species of Maine's wildlife. Whiskeag Creek contains highly valuable tidal habitat for wading birds and waterfowl such as Blue-winged Teal, Great Blue Heron, Bald Eagle, and Egret. Terrestrial wildlife such as beaver, wild turkey, and coyote live along the trail. Development that is too close to sensitive bird nesting and feeding areas, or that happens at times that are critical to bird breeding activities, put these species at risk. Respect for the wildlife and their habitat is essential to the success of Whiskeag Trail.

The trail is open to the public free of charge from dawn to dusk. Please help us protect it by staying on the trail, respecting adjoining private property, and understanding that natural areas are delicate: no camping, fires, unleashed dogs, or motorized vehicles are allowed.

LMF Logo

This trail passes through a property that was acquired in part with funds from the Land for Maine’s Future program. For more information about the LMF program and the places it has helped to protect, please visit the LMF webpage.

Trail Manager

Visit Bath Trails online for more information or contact:

Bath Trails

Bath Trails
4 Sheridan Road
Bath, ME 04530
Phone: (207) 443-8360
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Trail Tips

Minimize Campfire Impacts
Consider using a cooking stove and alternative light source (flashlight, candle, lantern) instead of building a campfire.
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Trailhead Information

There are four official access points to the Whiskeag Trail:

Bath Area Family YMCA: Take US Route 1 into Bath, take the Congress Avenue exit. Coming from the south, bear right onto State Street and then right again onto Congress Avenue. Coming from the north simply turn right onto Congress Avenue. Continue to the blinking light at intersection of Congress Avenue and Centre Street, and take a right onto Centre Street. The YMCA is located on the left, a quarter mile from the light.

Edward J. McMann Outdoor Athletic Complex: Take US Route 1 into Bath, take the Congress Avenue exit. Coming from the south, bear right onto State Street and then right again onto Congress Avenue. Coming from the north simply turn right onto Congress Avenue. Continue on Congress Avenue through a blinking light at its intersection with Centre Street, and the parking and trailhead for the athletic fields will be another quarter of a mile on the left just after a bend in the road.

Sewall Woods Preserve: From the intersection of High Street and Center Street in Bath, take High Street north 1.5 miles and turn left onto Whiskeag Road. Take the next right into the parking area and trailhead for Sewall Woods Preserve.

Thorne Head Preserve: From the intersection of High Street and Centre Street in Bath, go north on High Street 2.1 miles until the road ends and there is the parking lot and trailhead for the Thorne Head Preserve.

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April 26, 2024
Yes, "easy" biking trail, from the YMCA trailhead, would be a stretch..... It IS a nice quiet scenic trail with lots of water and woods though.
August 04, 2020
Be prepared for some moderate to difficult mountain bike riding soon after you leave the YMCA trail head. Easy is maybe not the correct description when biking from this trail head(YMCA).
trail magic
December 18, 2019
A quick, scenic escape over varied terrain, along creek, shoreline, wetland and woodland, that makes for a great ride, run or hike.
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